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Tomato Festival in DalseongUprising festival of Daegu
  • 취재: 여의봉,임성실,남지영 / 번역: 이경목
  • 승인 2016.07.13 15:40
  • 댓글 0

[IIJ= Daegu, Reporter Euibong Yeo, Sungsil Im, Jiyeong Nam] Two days from May 21st and 22nd of 2016 Dalseong Tomato Festival finalized in success.

▲Tomato Festival in Dalseong ⓒ IIJ

Dalseong Tomato Festival, which is the second time from the start, is uprising festival of Daegu, and it is the festival that people can enjoy various kinds of experience which utilize tomato, the specialty of Dalseong-gun.

‘Finding Golden Ring’ the main program of Tomato Festival is the program to find golden ring that is hidden in tomato which is in the 12X40 of huge pool. It is performed three times a day total 6 times during festival. This is processed on the focus of group visitors from outside of the area and foreigners twice a day. The chips with ranking instead of golden ring are inside of tomatoes. People who find the chips awards the present which rankings are carved on them. Mun-oh, Kim, Governor of Dalseong-gnu, said “Dalseong Tomato Festival is the stage for local people and visitors to the local can enjoy together. Also, it is the festival to create economic benefit to local farm and to contribute much to improve brand name value of Dalseong Tomato and Dalseong-gun.”

Tomato used in the festival is non-merchantable quality that is not permitted to sell as a merchantable to the market, so it contributes to improve the income of the local farm, and it is utilized as compost after using it.

취재: 여의봉,임성실,남지영 / 번역: 이경목  yeu3030@naver.com

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취재: 여의봉,임성실,남지영 / 번역: 이경목의 다른기사 보기
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